This post was divided into three parts. You can read about Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

The final day and half in Paris was spent visiting a few other things that were left to see. We spent Saturday morning at the Musee D’Orsay. We had timed this well where there were very few people in line and in the museum itself. It made the visit that much more enjoyable. It was nice to see the repurposing of an old train station to house artwork.

From the museum, we met up with some of my aunt’s friends for lunch. While my aunt spent the remainder of the day with her friends, I spent the afternoon exploring more of Paris. I made my way to the Moulin Rouge and the Sacre Coeur. I briefly stopped in front of the Moulin Rouge to take pictures before leisurely walking up the Montmatre hill. It was a pretty walk up hill and I stopped in a couple park areas to rest for a little bit before moving. I found the area where all the artists were painting or selling their work. I finally made it to the top of the hill where the church was. I took pictures of the views and of the church, I sat for a while as well to watch people. I finally then made way down the other side of the hill to continue on through Paris.

After the Sacre Coeur, I strolled my way through Paris, checking out a little market with some singers singing in the neighbouring park, popping into a few stores along the way and taking breaks to sit where I could find them. I found myself back in the Marais again, checking out the mall in the area before munching on a falafel sandwich for dinner. On my way to finding the metro station to head back to the hotel, I managed to watch a little bit of a Nuit Blanche parade that was happening. It was interesting but not something I would have gone out of my way to try find and watch.