The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

January 29th, 2018

Read: January 24, 2018

Summary: A young boy, Bruno, comes homes from school one day to find that his family are packing up their things to move from their hometown Berlin. His father is a high-ranking German soldier who was assigned to move away to another city.  With the move into their new home, Bruno is homesick and notices the large groups of people in the distance who wear striped pyjamas and include a number of children.  As Bruno begins to explore his new home and it’s surroundings, he discovers the fenced off area and meets a new friend.

My Thoughts: It was a different perspective on the Holocaust which was refreshing. Overall the storyline was ok and moved along nicely. I did have some criticism in that it could have been a bit smarter in it’s writing and not made the children act much younger than they actually were especially given that the novel was geared to a younger audience.  I think children in general are much more aware and this could have been accommodated in the novel.

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