Over the month of the December 2018, the Harbourfront Centre provided some lessons on Saturdays to make your own Christmas glass balls.

I registered for a Saturday afternoon lesson. I was walked through the process and some of the how to’s prior to starting with one of the staff members.
The person I was working with and showing me what to do got me started by adding the heated up glass to the metal stick. I, then, took over and, with his guidance, started adding colour to the glass, continuing to roll the glass and heating it up between adding the colour (the colour bits needed to be melted into the glass).

My final step was to blow the ball into shape and then one of the glass artists working in the studio added on the piece that would allow me to hang the glass ball. I was then told to return a few days later to pick up the glass ball as this would allow the ball to fully cool down before I took it home.