A Fond Husband (or The Plotting Sisters)

February 19th, 2013

“All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it.” – Thomas D’Urfey

Summary: A Fond Husband, written by Thomas D’Urfey in 1676 and was a favourite of King Charles II, follows a foolish man, his adulterous wife and her sister, along with a number of f. husband, two plotting sisters, and a cast of friends and visitors. The play showcases the quests of the characters whose actions stem from their emotions rather than the social norms of the time. Graduating actors from George Brown College’s theatre program performed this comedy, a piece that is rarely performed.

My Thoughts: A Fond Husband was fun to watch. I wasn’t sure what to expect or who would be attending. Mostly friends and family of the actors were in the audience. With the half the back row taken up by students, who I think were in the theatre program, made this performance a unique experience. Whenever a new character appeared on stage or certain actions were performed, I’d hear the back row giggle. The play itself was quite funny and not what I expected. I wasn’t familiar with the plot, the play, or the playwright. It was great to watch, to laugh, and enjoy this piece.

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